Individualized Multi-Pitch Clinics

A fully instructional day on the rock customized to your skills. Our goal with this program is simple: we want to help create female climbers who are fully competent, safe, and self-sufficient.

The Details

This next step might be for you if:

  • You've attended our Intro to Sport Climbing or Intro to Trad courses and want to keep learning and honing your skills.
  • You think you'd benefit from a 1:1 or 2:1 (climber:guide) ratio.
  • You’ve done a few multi-pitch climbs with friends, but want to continue to develop your skills.
  • You’ve never multi-pitch climbed, but you know how to lead climb (sport or trad).
  • You don’t know how to lead, but you want to have all the skills to follow a multi-pitch climb.
  • You need a few more days of skill-building to feel fully proficient in bringing your non-climbing friends out to the crag.

Please contact us with the following:

Desired dates (we’re available on both weekdays and weekends, March through October). Prior experience and skillset: Can you lead climb? Place or clean trad gear? Have you rappelled? (Don’t hold back on details here.) Prior involvement with She Moves Mountains. Your post-course goals: Do you want to be able to follow a friend up the Beckey Route on Liberty Bell, for example, or lead all of First Kiss at Smith Rock? Preference of one or two days (we can make suggestions depending on your goals).

Additional text for contact form.