Nervous about signing up for something solo? Worried you’re “too old” to participate? Don’t feel “skilled enough” because you’ve never touched a climbing wall or set foot on a trail? Telling yourself a story about how this "just isn’t for me"?
First off, we get it! Second, we’ve been there and we’re here to tell you: it’s OK, you’re going to do great, this IS for you.
At She Moves Mountains, we’ve made it our priority to foster an inclusive community where women of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels can come together, try hard, and shine. To us, it’s never been about being the best. It's been about embracing the process, building connections, proving to yourself that you're capable of more than you ever imagined.
Pick your favorite from our collection of beginner-friendly retreats, clinics, and courses below, and we’ll see you out there.